Brewers Association COVID-19 SBA Loan Q&A and SBA Loan Assistance Application Link
The Brewers Association has published an excellent resource to help breweries navigate how the new CARES Act can help businesses through loans and subsidies. Here is the introduction, excerpted:
Congress has passed the CARES Act to help address the unprecedented public health and economic crisis related to COVID-19. One critical component of the CARES Act that may help brewers weather this economic crisis is the expanded authority for Small Business Administration (SBA) loans to small businesses, sole proprietors, independent contractors, and employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). The bill provides $300 billion for SBA loan guarantees and subsidies.
While it is recommended that you consult an accountant or attorney to help you navigate your way forward, the following Q&A outlines options available in the CARES Act to protect your business and employees.